13. What Do I Need To Believe To Become A Muslim?

Islam is centred on six core beliefs and to be a Muslim one must believe in all six without any doubt.

What are the six beliefs of every Muslim?


  1. To believe in One God alone:2 8 13. Allah is one and only

God alone created everything and He alone sustains everything. He has no partners and no children. Only He alone deserves to be recognised and worshipped as the Creator.

God was always there from the beginning and will always be there. He is my maker, your maker and the maker of everything around us – to be a Muslim, you must within your heart believe in one unique God who has no children or partners.

In the Quran, God makes this clear:

“Say, “He is Allah (God), the One (and only),
To whom all the creatures turn to for their needs.

He does not give birth, nor was he given birth to,
And there is nothing similar to Him.”
(Quran: 112-114)

red arrow Click here to find out more about God.

  1. To believe in the angels:

13 angel of death

There are some things, which we can see like the sun, the clouds, the trees etc.

But there are some things, which we cannot see such as the galaxies on the other side of the universe, heaven, life after death and of course God himself – but this does not mean that they do not exist.

The angels are a creation made by God and they carry out certain commands ordained by him.

The Angel Gabriel (AS) who delivered the messages of God to the prophets such as Moses, Jesus and Muhammad (PBUT) is among the most famous.

Muslims believe with certainty in the angels. God refers to this in the Quran when he states:

“All the praises and thanks be to Allâh (God), the Creator of the heavens and the earth, Who made the angels, messengers with wings – two or three or four. He increases in creation what He wills. Verily, Allâh (God) is Able to do all things.” (Quran 35:1)

Muslims have no doubt whatsoever that the angels exist and believe firmly in them.

  1. To believe in the books of God:

7 quran

God sent the following books to the prophets below:

  • The Tawrat (Torah): to the prophet Moses.
  • The Zabur (Psalms): to the prophet David.
  • The Injil (Gospel): to the prophet Jesus.
  • The Quran to the prophet Muhammad.

(Peace be upon them)

The prophets Adam, Seth, Idris and Abraham (PBUT) were also given pages containing guidance from God.

These books and scripts can be compared to an instruction manual and were sent as a form of guidance to the nations, explaining to them about the existence of God and their purpose in life.

In Islam, one has to believe in all the books of the God, despite the fact that the words of the Torah, Psalms and Gospel have changed, because they were all sent to the prophets by the same God.

red arrow Click here to find out more about the books of God and the Quran.

  1. To believe in all the prophets and messengers of God (PBUT):

Did you know that all the prophets pbut all worshipped the same God and followed the same religion Islam

Muslims believe in the prophets of God. There are numerous prophets including Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Soloman, Jesus and Muhammad (PBUT).

Each prophet was sent with the same core message – to teach and remind people to recognise that their life was not created without a purpose and there is a Creator who has created them and everything around them.

Hence, in Islam, all the prophets, including Moses, Jesus and Muhammad (PBUT) all believed in and worshipped the same God and followed the same religion.

This religion is Islam.

To be a Muslim, one cannot simply follow one, two or a few prophets – one has to believe in and accept them all as they were all chosen by God.

red arrow Click here to find out more about the prophets in Islam.

  1. To believe in the Day of Judgement:

13 day of judgement

The Day of Judgement is when the whole of creation will be gathered and judged according to whether they fulfilled their main purpose in life by recognising and believing in their Creator and performing righteous deeds and actions.

Other names used to describe this day in Islam are the Day of Gathering, the Day of Resurrection, the Day of Regret and the Day of Recompense.

“Indeed, He will certainly gather you together on the Day of Resurrection – there is no doubt about it.” (Quran 6:12)

  1. To believe in fate:

In Islam, Muslims believe that God is the All-Knowing; he knows the past, present and future, and he knows what is inside the soul and mind of every human and creation as he is the One who has created us.

13 Your-Lord-watchful“Say: “Whether you conceal what is in your hearts or bring it into the open, God knows it: for He knows all that is in the heavens and all that is on earth; and God has the power to will anything.” (Quran 3:29)

But God has given us a freewill, so we are responsible for the right or wrong choices we make in life.

However, God already knows what choices or decisions we will make and He has written these down.

Why has God written everything down?

God has written everything to show to His creation that he is in full control and nothing happens without His will or knowledge.

Hence, as Muslims we completely acknowledge God’s knowledge, will and power.

“Say “Nothing shall ever happen to us except what Allah (God) has ordained for us. He is our Maula (Lord, Helper and Protector).” And in Allah (God) let the believers put their trust.” (Quran 9:51)

What is the point of us living if God already knows what is going to happen to us and who is destined for heaven and hell?

God has given us the guidance through the prophets and the existence of the creation around us.

But it is up to us to decide whether we choose to believe or not believe and what actions we perform – we will then be responsible for our decisions and we will be unable to accuse God of being unjust to us when we return to Him.

“And We have fastened every man’s deeds to his neck, and on the Day of Resurrection, We shall bring out for him a book which he will find wide open.” (Quran 17:13)

Allah - none has the right to be worshipped except Him alone, the Creator of all things Quran 6-102Hence, in regards to fate, we can summarise the following:

  1. God knows everything. He knows what has happened and what will happen.
  2. God has recorded what has happened and what will happen.
  3. We are able to make some choices. But whatever God wills to happen occurs, and whatever He wills not to happen, does not occur. For example: God has given you the ability and choice to think about what you’ve just read or to move your right hand now if you want to. But you had no say or choice in regards to where you were born or which family you were born into.
  4. God is the Creator of everything.

These are the six beliefs, which every Muslim believes in. If you convert to Islam, then believing in these are a core part of the faith!